About me


Throughout this site you will find information about my research interests, teaching activities and professional service.

I am a Full Professor in Telecommunications at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. I am also Director of the TeCIP Institute for the term 2022-2025.

I teach many courses in the area of Telecommunication Networks and I have been the Director of the Erasmus Mundus Master on Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and Networks (PIXNET).

My research deals with telecommunication networks and systems, networks softwarization, photonic integrated networks. I am Responsible of the area of Networks And Services at the TeCIP Institute of Scuola Sant’Anna.
I have served as Executive Editor of the journal Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies (ETT) published by Wiley.
I also work on technology transfer with many primary companies such as Telecom Italia, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and Schindler company.
I am an IEEE Member since 1993, Senior Member since 2012.

Previous Positions

  • January 2014 to December 2016: Member of the Academic Senate of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, elective Member among the Associate Professors.
  • January 2011 to December 2013: Coordinator of the “Communications” macro-area at the TeCIP Institute at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
  • January 2005 to December 2010: Director of the CNIT National Laboratory of Photonic Networks in Pisa.
  • March 2001 to September 2017: Associate Professor of Telecommunications at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa.
  • January and February 2002: Visiting Professor at Optical Networking Advanced Research (OPNEAR) Laboratory of the University of Texas at Dallas (USA).
  • December 1997 to February 2001: tenured Assistant Professor of Telecommunications at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Parma.
  • September 1996 to July 1997: Visiting fellow at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University (USA), supported by a post-doctoral CNR-NATO scholarship.
  • Summers 1999 and 2000: Visiting Researcher with a contract of Princeton University (USA).
  • November 1995-August 1996 and September 1997-December 1997: Consultant and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Parma.


  • November 1992-October 1995: PhD Student in Information Technologies (VIII cycle) at the University of Parma. PhD degree attained in November 1996.
  • September 1992 to November 1992: ST-Microelectronics scholarship holder on the topic “Smart Power integrated circuits” at the University of Bologna.
  • April 1991: Qualification to practice the profession of Engineer, member of the italian Albo degli Ingegneri since 1991.
  • February 1991: Five-year Degree in Electronic Engineering (major in Telecommunications and Microelectronics) at the University of Bologna cum laude.
  • July 1985: High School degree at the Liceo Scientifico “A. Roiti” in Ferrara.

Page last updated November 20, 2022